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Wes Archer

Seth Austen

Rob Bradley

Rolly Brown

Robin Bullock

Mark Cosgrove

Roy Curry

Kim Davis and Mike Stangeland

Dan DeLancy

Steve Dikkers

David Dugas (Unofficial Collings CW Web Site)

Matthew Fox

Jerry Garland

Bill Hamilton

Charlie Hoffman

Thorsten Jakobsson

Tommy Jordan

Steve Kaufman

Steve and Penny Kilby

Bryan Kimsey

Mark Klan

Eric Lambert

Marty Lanham

Barbara Liebler

Dan Miller

John Moran

Dan Mozell

Woody Pope

Mario Proulx

Wyatt Rice

Robert Shafer

Kim Sherman

Orrin Star

Bryan Sutton

Steve Swan

Tut Taylor

Roland White

Ellen and John Wright

Mike Wright

Thomas Wywrot

Sergio Lara

Flying with your Guitar

A few interesting articles on air travel with your instrument.
AG Magazine
Pat Kirtley



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